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Mostrando las entradas de febrero, 2019

Correcting students is an issue?

All people need to be corrected at times. The person who generally does the correcting is the one responsible for ensuring that the individual is developing properly. There are different levels of correction, though. Sometimes, the correction from the teacher only needs to be a small act, a look, a shake of the head, or a tap on the desk. These are used when the student just needs a quick, subtle, reminder that the action is incorrect. This allows for correction without issue. Many times, that is enough. In other cases, the correction needs to be made clear, maybe the first didn´t work or the behavior is more complex than the first situations. An example would be if students were disrupting instruction with talking. Usually, respectfully asking the students to refocus their attention on the content is enough. But what happens when the behaviors are constant and it affects the class development and classroom environment? Should we as teachers scold them or just talk to them like

Is it better to be feared or loved?

Being a teacher is hard and can be very stressful. There are students who always cause trouble and are very disruptive. Teachers are forced to stop teaching the class to deal with them, taking up valuable class time. Teachers have the risk of being threatened by their students and need to develop strategies and tactics so students don´t interrupt the class and can give the class with no problem. Either the teacher is feared or loved when he or she implements these tactics and that´s exactly what we are going to talk about. The first one is fear. There are some benefits in having a fearful classroom environment: the classroom is quiet, people can concentrate, students can know that there is little to no time taken away by disruptions, and there is less stress for teachers and some students. A quiet classroom is a hardworking classroom. In a fearful classroom, students know that any student who causes disruptions will be punished. A fearful classroom environment reduces stress to te

Houston we have a problem...

One of the biggest problems nowadays with our students is the discipline enforcement, it seems that students are not obeying some teachers and sometimes we don´t know how to manage some situations, to make it worse, if we implement a punishment, parents are complaining or the school´s authority can question our actions. So today I´m going to tell you some tips that have worked for me as a teacher in order to maintain the discipline in the classroom. Prepare for Disruptions A typical school day is loaded with disruptions, from announcements to a student acting out in class. Teachers need to be flexible and develop a series of plans to deal with anticipated classroom disruptions, which take students in-class time. Prepare for transitions and potential disruptions. Consider the following suggestions: Identify the typical times for student disruptions and misbehavior, usually at the start of the lesson or class period, when topics change or at the conclusion of a lesson

Management is not only for companies

W hen we talk about Management, most of the times it comes to our minds a company or a business, since Management is often related with an enterprise. However, this concept can be applied to education as well. We call it "Classroom Management" and is the  variety of skills and techniques that teachers use to keep students organized, orderly, focused, attentive, on task, and academically productive during a class. But, what are the benefits of Classroom Managament? Well, some of the beneficts are: Effective Teaching Classroom management strategies help to create an organized classroom environment that is effective to teaching. Students know the expectations in different types of learning situations. This will allow the teacher to plan the specific activities in order students can accomplish these expectations. Effective use of time One of the steps of Classroom Management is planning, if we as teachers already have planned our activities, then we know mo