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Correcting students is an issue?

All people need to be corrected at times. The person who generally does the correcting is the one responsible for ensuring that the individual is developing properly. There are different levels of correction, though.
Sometimes, the correction from the teacher only needs to be a small act, a look, a shake of the head, or a tap on the desk. These are used when the student just needs a quick, subtle, reminder that the action is incorrect. This allows for correction without issue. Many times, that is enough.
In other cases, the correction needs to be made clear, maybe the first didn´t work or the behavior is more complex than the first situations. An example would be if students were disrupting instruction with talking. Usually, respectfully asking the students to refocus their attention on the content is enough.
Resultado de imagen para angryBut what happens when the behaviors are constant and it affects the class development and classroom environment? Should we as teachers scold them or just talk to them like if it was a minor issue?
In my opinion neither of them, I mean scolding students can work, but nowadays that students are overprotected and specially kids you can´t really scold them, you can get into a bigger issue and the main goal of scolding them is going to be lost. Also we are not going to be like a grumpy person scolding each student and yelling at them and losing it because they are making a mess. It´s our responsibility to maintain the discipline of the class but not going to that far.
Resultado de imagen para classroom messOn the other hand, if we just talk to them like it is a minor thing, our students will lose respect to the teacher and the misbehaviors are going to escalate quickly making it impossible to the teacher to control the class, it´s like a snowball effect, if you let it go down slope, it will get bigger and bigger till the point you can´t stop it.
What has really worked for me is to talk seriously, not as a minor thing nor yelling and going crazy. Telling them the things directly like what kind of behaviors are bothering you and also the consequences they can reach, another thing that really works is the fact they can lose things, I mean like certain "rights" such as playing games, small talks, or even taking their cell phones and giving them back after the class, depending on the behaviors you are focusing on.
In conclusion, we don´t have to be yelling at our students because is not right; however, we need to consider and focus on those misbehaviors our students do frequently and not leaving them as minor things because the effects can be worse.
Hopefully, every teacher understands this. I believe that most students don't think about it because they don't find themselves in those situations. As a teacher, I want every student in my classroom, but I have to protect the integrity of my students and the classroom´s environment.
So teachers, what other techniques work for you? Have you ever talked seriously with your students? Write the down in the comment section. I´ll be reading you!
Knight, E. (2017, December 23). How does a teacher scold a student? Retrieved from Quora:


  1. So true! This is a difficult matter for teachers, and nowadays it has become a big issue because many parents go and complain about the teacher “punishing” their children. So, teachers need to be tactful and skillful when correcting behaviors. Sometimes you just have to talk to them, but if it's something that scales, then taking some "privileges" work. I have applied this last one and it does work, especially when it's a group problem, because the majority of the group wants that privilege and forces the others to join. But when they are minor problems, I just called their names out or approach to their places so they notice that their behavior is not appropriate for the class. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Today, the importance of the teacher does not compare with that of years ago.

    Before the teachers were a symbol of respect, now authority has been lost, and rarely can you give final solution to conflicts between students, since the students lost respect before authorities, since the reinforcements previously called punishments are also badly seen today. .

    It is a sadness to see how values ​​have been falling little by little. Very good topic.

  3. Yes, I have talked to them. I work with little kids at preschool, they are 4 or 5 years old, when I started to work with this level It was hard to find a way to tell them the instructions and explanations. Eventually, I have found out that I had to be clear with the things I wanted to be done, I have to tell the children what I want them to do. And this works to me =)

    Thank you for sharing!!!


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