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Teaching isn´t just giving a content

As teachers, we are examples to follow, we need to teach more than just a content, we need to teach values or some aspects to our students in order to help them to continue growing as humans, it´s our responsibility to make them think and not only in the academic aspect. However, we need to start by ourselves as teachers and apply the next values so our students can follow our examples.  
Resultado de imagen para integrityIt's necessary for a teacher to be honest with his/her job role and responsibility. Students always follow what teacher does and reflect on them. Teachers should be careful about what he or she does and also make sure of fulfilling commitments he/she makes. Once a student finds teacher not sticking to his/her words then the student shall also start ignoring the teacher. Pretending to know everything might not be a good idea for teachers. Teachers could be doing so to make sure students always follow him/her but should there be any confusion to teacher himself/herself, he/she should have integrity to explain the situation. The teacher can tell the student that he/she will get back with the solution.
Continuous Self-Learning
If you are thinking, teachers are meant to teach to students then you are missing something. Teachers aren't just to teach but they are in continuous process of learning too. Should they stop learning themselves, their teaching turns dull. The world advances with technology, knowledge steadily and it is responsibility of a teacher to stay updated in order to prepare student for all the upcoming changes in the society and world. Moreover, teachers should be accountable in learning from students as well. Classroom is a mini-society itself and teacher can also learn a lot of things about different culture and beliefs in a classroom from students. 
Respect and Responsibility
Resultado de imagen para respectStudents aren't the only ones accountable to exhibit respect. Teachers also need to have respect and responsibility towards students. In fact, a teacher who doesn't respect his/her students cannot earn their respect. Teachers should always feel the responsibility towards students. Parents, society as well as the children invest having faith in teachers and should teacher be willing to get rid of the responsibility, the whole learning and teaching process turns meaningless. Teachers are responsible in overall development of society via the education he/she passes to students to build educated, capable manpower.
Upon possessing and exhibiting these core values, teachers shall be able to appear as a better leader, facilitator and educator. This will make you job easier and more enjoyable. So teachers, what other values should we teach? Please write them in the comment section. Thanks for reading!


Sardar Tharu, M. K. (2019, April 2). 5 Core Values Teacher Should Demonstrate. Retrieved from Educationtopia:


  1. I totally agree with you Iven. A teacher is always being watched and as role models we need to try our best everyday, recognizing our failures and always looking foward to improve. I could describe myself as a "fun commandant" what is this? well in class i´m very strict and in a time out I love to make my students have a laugh once in a while. I reinforce respect everyday at school I even recognize when someone it´s being respectul with another person (classmate, teachers, janitor or principal) showing students that the key to socialization is the respect has been my everyday job.
    It´s weird but my students love me eventhough I nag when necessary jejeje.

  2. I totally agree with you: values are important and, in the society, we live in they have been put aside. In my opinion, the most important value to live in my classroom is respect, as this is the value where all the other come from: respecting others leads us to tolerance; respecting the time, space and belongings of others creates responsibility; respecting the nature and public spaces develops a sense of community and care for the environment; respecting their bodies and personality as individuals helps them enhancing their love for themselves and others... Well, the list is pretty long, nevertheless, all the values are connected and lead to the others. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Of course, teachers are the reflection of our students, we are part of their training, which leaves us with a great responsibility.

    The fact of being a teacher is not only about being the one who teaches lessons in a notebook or book, but someone who does something tracendent in the life of another person, regardless of age or level.

    Says a philosopher "To educate a child is not to make him learn something he did not know, but to make someone who did not exist" John Ruskin.

  4. You’re right =) We don’t teach only topics we also teach values like responsibility, respect, tolerance, honesty, etc.

    The kids always look for a model, they used to copy or act out what they see or hear. Therefore the way we talk, the way we behave and the way we treat others is so important cause our students reflect it.

    If the students look at us like an irresponsible, disrespectful, intolerant, dishonest, etc. teacher they aren’t going to respond to us because they see that there is no interest and the environment in the classroom will be really bad.

    So the way we want to be treated is the way we need to behave ;)


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Teaching Risk-Taking

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