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Feedback for teachers?

More than a post I would like to share a reflection that as teachers we might do or apply in our academic life.

I know that nowadays we are busy as teachers, I mean we have to plan like every year, semester, or even month. Besides, we have to make the activities and if you are a teacher where you are teaching kids and teenager, then you have to create materials, resources, print a thousand of papers. When you already have a plan, your resources and of course that ugly CD player or if you are more modern then your Bluetooth speaker. Then when you are teaching a student is the clown of the class, or other just did something to other. Worst case scenario: one vomited and then either you clean or wait until someone else cleans that, depending on the school you work at.

Resultado de imagen para tired dogWhen it's the hunting season (AKA Exam season), it´s not a real pleasure because you have to check many tests that you fed up with checking them, and the bonus points: if you let some extra assignments then more bad news, because you have to also check those things and well I´m not going to continue because you can get depressed and you won´t finish reading this post.

Anyways, the question here is: Do you give yourself a feedback as a teacher? I mean like you analyze what activities were applied, which ones worked effectively, which others were not that effective as expected. What aspects would I change?, The objective I reached was the one I wanted? etc.

Resultado de imagen para pep guardiola
Resultado de imagen para pizarra futbolThey way I do it, is like a soccer coach. First I make my class plan, then I give the class, I make the corrections if they are needed to my class plan. Then I check the daily progress, if something is going ok, then I don´t move it. If I see that an activity didn´t work, I changed it for another one to see the reaction and how my students work on that one. When the period is over, then I analyze the good things of the class, and aspects I can change for the next period or group, also if the activities were the most appropriate or if I can change some of them. Until now it has worked really well. If it´s working then I enforce it, if not that´s when I see what´s going on and what possible changes I can male to the class to improve it.

So that´s all for this post. How do you make your personal feedback, put it in the comment section, and thanks for reading. See you in the next post!!!


  1. Feedback is not something Mexican people usually do, but I think is important as it shows us our objective, where we are and what strategies we can use or should change. In my case, I do my lesson plan, apply the activities in my classroom, then I start analyzing if they are working or if I need to make an adjustment while they are developing, finally I write some comments in my lesson plan and think about other possible strategies.
    Thanks for sharing!

  2. I think it has a lot to do with our culture and education, which has not allowed us to advance at all.

    And I'm referring to the fact that if at some time you intend to make feedback, you do not know in what way the other person will take it, so that's why we really didn't do very often.

    At the time of planning many situations, but it is really impossible for everything to turn out as planned, so we must be flexible and adapt to different situations that come our way.

  3. When I plan the activities of the lesson plans I think about my groups, the manner they work, their capacities, preferences and their special needs. And it’s difficult to plan because you don’t know if the activity is going to work.

    Then, I apply the activities and I do the changes if they’re required at the moment when I am applying them.

    At the end, I analyze it and If the activity didn’t work I take note about the errors and the new ideas that I think are going to work.

    Thanks =)


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