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Let´s admit it, technology has made huge changes in our lives, a few years ago having a cell phone was a thing from another world and a  luxury now, having a cell phone is a necessity and this has caused that either we adapt with these new changes or we are getting stuck in the old age, making us to be "out of date" and of course in some cases we can have difficulties with the new technology.

Resultado de imagen para english teacher cd playerThe same happens in teaching, we need to adapt in order to have a meaningful class. Do you remember those times when English teachers had the stereotype of carrying a big CD Player and lots of books? or people used to say that English classes were boring because  let´s get real, English teachers are also called as boring or obsolete teachers. We need to use the tech tools, and we can use trends so our students can really have a meaningful class with no problems. As teachers we need to be informed not only in new pedagogy techniques, but also in technology. Now I´m going to share some adaptations we can put in our class and make it better using the technology.

Ski Instructor memeThe first one are Memes, these images with a funny line or phrase are very popular among the Internet and Social Networks, and of course, we can use them in teaching, our students will love  them and for them it can be easier to recall a grammar lesson or vocabulary if they associate the meme with the lesson.

Another one is adapting vocabulary and grammar. Let´s be honest, books in some cases are kind of outdated regarding these lessons, especially in vocabulary, like occupations, there are only the most common or the basic but that´s all, we can complement this information with more vocabulary but also with the updated vocabulary. And instead of using the same old flashcards you can download pictures from internet and show them with a projector or tablet as flashcards. The best thing about this is that you update them and you can add more.
Resultado de imagen para technologyFinally, take advantage of Social Networks, you can create groups with your students and share digital information, you don´t have to wait until you get copies and start a lesson, you can save time in sending it through a group and have and efficient class, also the material can be modified for making it more understandable for you students.

So, what do you think teachers? What other tech tools you use in your classroom. I´ll be reading you. Thanks


  1. I love working with technology, so I use many web pages with online activities, videos, songs, games, readings, and even news to work with my students according to their ages. Something that you mentioned in your post made me think about the facilities the school provides to teachers and the relationship with “become a technological teacher”: we live in a city and we work for private schools that lend us projectors, computers, internet connection and even tablets to work with our students, but what happens with those teachers who do not have them or whose schools lack of electricity? That’s why I feel grateful of having this “excellent conditions” to work. Interesting topic, thanks for sharing!

  2. When I studied English as a girl, I remember my teachers, always coming to the classroom with their recorder to play the CD and listen to the conversations that were in the books.

    Now I stop to see how much the type of tools we have to teach a class has changed. What I believe, has made the classes become more fun, entertaining and thus the knowledge is given in a more fluid way.

    On the other hand also the use of technology has made today's teachers abuse it, causing certain objectives of the classes to be lost. So we have to be so careful with the use of it.

  3. When I was at preschool, 20 years ago, I remember that we didn’t have any technological devices inside the classroom. And now that I work in a preschool, I see that they have many devices.

    I often used the projector to make an activity, I project pictures or we watch videos , but I use it for few time like 10 minutes aprox. Because at that age I think it isn’t so necessary because they need to develop they’re imagination.

    Also, I usually use the cd player to play some music but the songs I don’t have them in a CD I store the songs in a USB cause it’s easier and cheaper.

    I think we need to learn to use the technology and give it the appropriate use =)


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