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The Types of students

Hello my little grasshoppers, on a previous entry we talked about some types of teachers we could find in a classroom. Now we are going to talk about our students, some kinds of students we find or we can find in our classroom.

1. The Pet
Resultado de imagen para teacher's petThese students take front seats in the class and laugh at our jokes. They haunt teachers in school halls or torture them after class is over. These students will always try to help you, they will ask you even dumb questions as long as you are the teacher. The thing is, in my personal opinion, these guys are really annoying and you can get in trouble with them. So my recommendation always avoid them because once you let the help you or ask you questions they won´t stop.

2. The Hard Worker
These students are highly motivated. They know what they want and how to achieve their goal. It´s common that these students are not the best in the class or the most intelligent; however, they have something that encourage them and most of the times they have something that the nerds or intelligent students don´t have: common sense. As teachers we need to motivate these students because they can be something great if we support them and help them.

3. The Rock-Star
Resultado de imagen para famous people
They are easy to identify you can see them with a bunch of fans or other classmates listening to them or just following him/her. They can be famous because they are the captain of the soccer team, they play an instrument or they are very good at school and they do have a social life. They are just fabulous, no matter what they actually do. and a fun fact is that most of them have an excellent relationship with everyone: students, teacher, administrative staff and even the principal. They are somehow sloppy in classes but most of them will try to gather with nerds or other rock stars that are good at school so they help each other. They can even make the impossible look possible.

4. The Clown
These students are kind of complicated, they are very smart and they can create a joke out of nowhere but they thing is, they can scale their jokes to the point they can offend someone or even the teacher. They are always active and they can make jokes to everyone and sometimes they will cross the line. The good thing about them is that the class environment is always funny and they can be really good ice breakers, specially the first days of classes, so as teachers is good to identify them on your side so the class can be less stressful and you are not the centre of the jokes.

5. Nerds
Resultado de imagen para sheldon cooperNerds prefer books to social life. Books are clever. Books don’t bully you and don’t ask stupid questions. The thing with them is that they won't socialize and they can be a problem with the class dynamic. They can be really rude with classmates and can humiliate them. You won´t like to have an argument with them, some nerds can be arrogant or they can even higher their voice losing respect towards the teacher to validate their point.

6. The Commander
Resultado de imagen para 16 personalities commanderCommanders have an inborn capacity to stand out, they always have good ideas and they are great examples to follow. In some cases the Rock Star can take this position, however in most of the cases the Commander is someone that everyone admires because he or she is a balance: they have physical skills, they are good at school and everyone will cooperate with them. As teacher you might want to identify this type as soon as possible so you have him/her on your side. The can be followed by people or they can be feared by them because most of the times they give orders to make a mess or the can implement discipline in the class. That´s why you need to have this type as an ally and not as enemy because they can be you worst nightmare while teaching.

So teachers, what other kinds of students do you know or have in your classroom? Don´t forget to write it down in the comment section. Thanks for reading and see you till the next post!


Unicheck Team. (2015, September 14). 13 Types of Students and How to Deal with Them. Retrieved from Unicheck Team:


  1. Again, I saw all my students under one of these categories, but I would add the standard students: students that do not stand out too much and have average skills, grades and abilities. Another type of student is the absent-minded student, that student that sees a fly and follows it; they are always distracted by anything and they have to be doing something with their hands or school supplies and they are a source of distraction to other students. And there are the drama queens (or kings), those students who want to be the center of attention by causing pity; we need to be careful with these students because they can scale to higher levels and even harm themselves. But in the end, all our students are different and we always remember them, especially our “headaches” :D Thanks for sharing!

  2. Yes, very true! Haha, very funny, and I have rarely stopped to evaluate the personalities of each of my children.

    What is clear to me is that each and every one of them with their personality different from one another form an important part in the dynamics of the group, from the most serious to the most restless of them.

    Although I must admit that there are some of them, that catch you in such an easy way, that estimating them becomes very easy.

    What a good topic. You make me reflect on many things. Thank you

  3. Yes, I can see this personalities in my kids =). I know other personalities , such us:
    The Day Dreamer: the students that are thinking in other things while they are in classes.
    The Excuse Monger: the student with excuses for everything.
    The Late Lateef: The student that always arrive late to classes.
    The Crushed: obedient students that respect the teacher.

    It was really funny, thanks!


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