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Types of teachers

What's up my little grasshoppers, today we are going to take a trip (in the good sense) and we are going to talk about some types of teacher we used to have when we were studying, those teachers that we won´t forget because they had some unique characteristics that made us feel good or bad depending on the situation. So let´s start with this list:

Resultado de imagen para tuca ferretiThe "Sergeant Teacher": This teacher is well known by students because is strict, leaves a lot of homework and is always grumpy, you wouldn´t dare to ask anything because you knew that he or she will nag you before he or she could answer your question. The tests with this teacher were so difficult and basically only the nerds would approve or pass those difficult tests. Besides, when this teacher arrived to the classroom everyone paid attention and didn´t make any noise, you could see your classmates quiet and scared.
Resultado de imagen para hangover philThe "Cool Teacher": All students were so happy when they knew this teacher will be in the classroom, a very active teacher and most of the times you learned a lot from him or her, when there was homework, you could do it in 5 or 10 minutes. Classes passed so fast with the cool teacher. All students followed him and it looked like he was a kind of a rock star, everyone followed this teacher.

The "Mr. PhD.": This teacher is always showing off his PhD. or any other title and his or her classes were not boring but not that interesting like the previous type of teacher. They will always try to motivate students to continue studying and most of the times they were so busy doing research that they just made students present a topic while they were giving feedback of it. Their tests were not difficult, however they are tricky so you needed to read carefully the instructions.

The "Ship" or "Ark" teacher: We all had this teacher. At the end of the period (semester or school year) you passed with a 9 or 10, the ones that didn´t study or didn´t even go to the class had an 8. This teacher sometimes wouldn´t show to classes  or was talking about other topics that were not related with the class. All students think these kind of teachers are the worst but they won´t complain since they have a good grade without making an effort.

Resultado de imagen para albert einsteinThe "Genious or Nerd" teacher: The last but not least form this list. This teacher would amaze us with lots of new information, it doesn´t matter which topic you are talking about, he or she will probably have something accurate to say. Most of the times these teachers could be found in the libraries reading a Quantum Physics book or any other title that with the just fact of reading the title you would be shocked. Most of them are nice and kind, they have unlimited patience with students and they will teach more things than just the subject or topic they are required to teach.
Their tests are not difficult, however you need to give clear answers because making a bible of the test with no accurate information won´t help you, they gave tasks rather homework and you learned more things than just copying and pasting things.

So what teacher you had in high school or bachelors degree? I´ll be reading you, Thanks!


  1. While I was reading your post, I remember all my teachers! They were from al the types you mentioned, but I recall clearer the worst and the best :D And at the end, I categorized myself under one of these types of teachers. In addition to this, I started thinking about all the good things that all my teachers left in me: motivation, values, knowledge, stories and even my worst teachers taught me what I did not want to do and become, so we have to be very careful and consider what we want to leave in our students. Thanks for sharing!

  2. It is true that there are types of teachers like grains of salt in the salt shaker, but something curious that I have noticed, is that in the way you behaved as a student, you follow a pattern that leads you to be similar to being in front to a group.

    On the other hand, you always remember a good teacher throughout your life as a student, and sometimes you've thought, "I'm going to be like him/her," but your personality may not be similar to that particular teacher.

    That is why you must demand every day to give the best, to be the teacher that over the years continue to remember you as the "good teacher"

  3. I have had many teachers with all that characteristics. At primary in first grade I had a Sergeant Teacher because she was strict, leaves a lot of homework and she looks grumpy but I really loved when she told us stories.

    At secondary I have different types of teachers: the Mr. PhD., the Ship and the Genius or a combination of the three.

    And at the university I had wonderful teachers, they were Genius but at the same time they were Cool.

    This brings me good memories. Thanks for sharing =)


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