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Never do this!

Imagen relacionadaHello my little grasshoppers, today I have a controversial topic. The topic is: "Things teachers should never do", I know that as teachers we are not perfect; however, doing the actions that I will tell you next could get you in troubles like: losing your job, having issues with administration or even legal issues.

The first one is trying to be friends with your students. The main issue here is that as teachers we need to be friendly but not friends with our students. When we get along really well with them and we establish that "friendship", the counterpoint will be of course that students are going to lose respect for the teacher and discipline problems, academic or further problems can occur, making a snowball effect. So avoid being their friend but always be polite and friendly.

Resultado de imagen para gossipThe next one is a really bad habit, that is gossiping around. Your main job is to teach you students, not being the next TV host that is just saying bad things about the others. Sooner or later these kind of teachers are going to be discovered and either they get fired or their possibilities of getting promoted are minimal or none. If you have a conflict or there is something you don´t like the best thing is to communicate it to the principal or coordinator, they can help you fix the problem but never gossip about it.

The most controversial one: Dating students. In my personal opinion I think that under no circumstance a teacher should date a student. All schools have established as a main rule that there cannot be relationships between teachers and students and in some cases even teacher relationships are not allowed. The consequences can be further than you can think, for example if a teacher dates an underage student, he is going to be fired, and not only that, the most probable thing is that he can have legal issues or an authority can investigate him for that situation.

So, what other things a teacher cannot do? Please write them in the comment section and if you want to add something more please write it over there too. Thanks for Reading and see you in the next entry!


  1. For me, the most important thing a teacher cannot do is being hypocrite. We say students not to do something and then we do the opposite to what we told them. Once, as student told me “Teacher, I'm hungry!" and I said to him that we couldn't eat in the classroom and then he questioned me why we teachers did that. I told him that I was hungry but I would never eat in the classroom as that was the rule. He was quiet for a moment and then he said something I will never forget: "That's true. You do not do it, but there are some teachers who have their breakfasts in the classroom every day and get angry if we eat a small cookie." So, if we set rules and asked our students to follow certain behaviors, we should follow them too.

  2. Very true, most of the time we focus on everything a teacher should do, but rarely do we address the issue that we should not do.

    As a teacher told us in class, we are like super stars, because we are like public figures, and we have our fans, so we must take care of the bad behaviors that we could get to commit, or the bad example that could occur in this case.

    I think we have a great responsibility and we are an example of many, so as you behave that way, it will be what your students reflect on you.

  3. I think the things teachers should never do are:
    * To lose the controlled of their emotions, sometimes there are kids that are hart to deal with them and
    they drive us crazy. So we need to be patient.
    * Bad Leadership Behaviors, there are teachers that scold their students for something that they don’t

    We aren’t perfect so we need to remember that. Thanks =)


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