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The Super-Teacher

Remember those sitcoms or movies where this character appears and everyone immediately loves him and everything he does goes right, saving the world or people? Or those superhero movies that you can see Captain America or Ironman being what everyone would like to have and be. Even in real life, in a soccer team you can see outstanding players that looks like they are not from this world, and in teaching? Do we have like a super or ideal teacher? There are certain teachers that seem to captivate students, win over parents, and get along well with administration.
Resultado de imagen para john mcclane 
It depends in every teacher, but the main characteristics that this "Super-Teacher" should have are the next ones:

Students want to learn from them, and they keep contact with them even after school is over. They inspire trust and students of course will follow them since they know what they teach, and they have that skill of making students feel happy and at the same time they learn.

Parents want to communicate with them. Parents give them the benefit of the doubt and know that they have their student’s best interest in mind. The teacher will always report to parents if they have any issue with students and will always listen to them when there is a conflict.

Resultado de imagen para effective teacherCoordinators and Principals get along with them, and trust them as effective and competent teachers. They also earn the trust of the administrative staff since they work really well, they deliver lesson plans on time and every aspect that is required from their superiors they will have it ready as soon as possible.

Teachers admire them and want to be them, secretly wondering how they do it, specially how they can get along really well with students and at the same time they cover what they are supposed to cover and not only that, they give an extra to their students so they can learn more aspects than the ones they have to teach.

Resultado de imagen para super teacherA Super-Teacher has the right attitude, they won´t engage with superfluous stuff and they will always encourage students and even other teachers to give their best. Body language, is a thing they really dominate, they know how to do it and when to do it, so their messages are effectively received by students or school staff.

The best thing about these teachers is that they have unique skills or skills you won´t find that easy, some of them know electronics and programming, while others know many languages. Some others have leadership skills. That´s why they have something that everyone likes or follows them.

So my Super-Teachers, what skills do you have? What other aspects would you include to this list? Please write them in the comment section and share more aspects you can include to this list. Thanks for reading and see you in the next post!


Bennet, D. (2017, May 21). What´s a popular teacher? Retrieved from The Popular Teacher:


  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. I agree with you, teachers have been super heroes since forever, fighting against ignorance. But I do not think we just have a super power, we have several super powers: patience, guidance, an eagle vision, a keen ear, a high-speed reaction, imagination, among others.
    I guess my super power is patience, or that is what I have been told by my students and other teachers, so I guess is true :D

  3. I think that to earn the title of super teacher, the standards for adults are very high.

    But I have noticed at least in preschool, that for children there is not so much demand, and it is the wonderful thing of working with children, when entering class and being part of them, doing activities together with them, laughing, dancing, singing, jump in order to do what they did at the same time, at that moment you became a role model and to see them that you enjoy being there, they reward you in their own way, but they always show it to you, they never just give you a hug or talk about all kinds of things.

  4. To be a super- teacher sounds complicated. I think everyone wish it and want it, because we are concerned of our students. A super teacher has super powers and I think these can be the patient, the wisdom, teleportation, telepathy and the speed. I only wish I could have one to help my kids, but if we do the best and we arrive every day at school motivated we will be able to achieve it.

    See you =)


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