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Mostrando las entradas de abril, 2019

Feedback for teachers?

More than a post I would like to share a reflection that as teachers we might do or apply in our academic life. I know that nowadays we are busy as teachers, I mean we have to plan like every year, semester, or even month. Besides, we have to make the activities and if you are a teacher where you are teaching kids and teenager, then you have to create materials, resources, print a thousand of papers. When you already have a plan, your resources and of course that ugly CD player or if you are more modern then your Bluetooth speaker. Then when you are teaching a student is the clown of the class, or other just did something to other. Worst case scenario: one vomited and then either you clean or wait until someone else cleans that, depending on the school you work at. When it's the hunting season (AKA Exam season), it´s not a real pleasure because you have to check many tests that you fed up with checking them, and the bonus points: if you let some extra assignments then mor

Teaching isn´t just giving a content

As teachers, we are examples to follow, we need to teach more than just a content, we need to teach values or some aspects to our students in order to help them to continue growing as humans, it´s our responsibility to make them think and not only in the academic aspect. However, we need to start by ourselves as teachers and apply the next values so our students can follow our examples.   Integrity                                                                                     It's necessary for a teacher to be honest with his/her job role and responsibility. Students always follow what teacher does and reflect on them. Teachers should be careful about what he or she does and also make sure of fulfilling commitments he/she makes. Once a student finds teacher not sticking to his/her words then the student shall also start ignoring the teacher. Pretending to know everything might not be a good idea for teachers. Teachers could be doing so to make sure students always follow