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Mostrando las entradas de marzo, 2019

Never do this!

Hello my little grasshoppers, today I have a controversial topic. The topic is: "Things teachers should never do", I know that as teachers we are not perfect; however, doing the actions that I will tell you next could get you in troubles like: losing your job, having issues with administration or even legal issues. The first one is trying to be friends with your students. The main issue here is that as teachers we need to be friendly but not friends with our students. When we get along really well with them and we establish that "friendship", the counterpoint will be of course that students are going to lose respect for the teacher and discipline problems, academic or further problems can occur, making a snowball effect. So avoid being their friend but always be polite and friendly. The next one is a really bad habit, that is gossiping around. Your main job is to teach you students, not being the next TV host that is just saying bad things about the others

The Types of students

Hello my little grasshoppers, on a previous entry we talked about some types of teachers we could find in a classroom. Now we are going to talk about our students, some kinds of students we find or we can find in our classroom. 1. The Pet These students take front seats in the class and laugh at our jokes. They haunt teachers in school halls or torture them after class is over. These students will always try to help you, they will ask you even dumb questions as long as you are the teacher. The thing is, in my personal opinion, these guys are really annoying and you can get in trouble with them. So my recommendation always avoid them because once you let the help you or ask you questions they won´t stop. 2. The Hard Worker These students are highly motivated. They know what they want and how to achieve their goal. It´s common that these students are not the best in the class or the most intelligent; however, they have something that encourage them and most of the times they

The Super-Teacher

Remember those sitcoms or movies where this character appears and everyone immediately loves him and everything he does goes right, saving the world or people? Or those superhero movies that you can see Captain America or Ironman being what everyone would like to have and be. Even in real life, in a soccer team you can see outstanding players that looks like they are not from this world, and in teaching? Do we have like a super or ideal teacher? There are certain teachers that seem to captivate students, win over parents, and get along well with administration.   It depends in every teacher, but the main characteristics that this "Super-Teacher" should have are the next ones: Students want to learn from them, and they keep contact with them even after school is over. They inspire trust and students of course will follow them since they know what they teach, and they have that skill of making students feel happy and at the same time they learn. Parents want to com

Types of teachers

What's up my little grasshoppers, today we are going to take a trip (in the good sense) and we are going to talk about some types of teacher we used to have when we were studying, those teachers that we won´t forget because they had some unique characteristics that made us feel good or bad depending on the situation. So let´s start with this list: The "Sergeant Teacher": This teacher is well known by students because is strict, leaves a lot of homework and is always grumpy, you wouldn´t dare to ask anything because you knew that he or she will nag you before he or she could answer your question. The tests with this teacher were so difficult and basically only the nerds would approve or pass those difficult tests. Besides, when this teacher arrived to the classroom everyone paid attention and didn´t make any noise, you could see your classmates quiet and scared. The "Cool Teacher": All students were so happy when they knew this teacher will be in the clas


Let´s admit it, technology has made huge changes in our lives, a few years ago having a cell phone was a thing from another world and a   luxury now, having a cell phone is a necessity and this has caused that either we adapt with these new changes or we are getting stuck in the old age, making us to be "out of date" and of course in some cases we can have difficulties with the new technology. The same happens in teaching, we need to adapt in order to have a meaningful class. Do you remember those times when English teachers had the stereotype of carrying a big CD Player and lots of books? or people used to say that English classes were boring because   let´s get real, English teachers are also called as boring or obsolete teachers. We need to use the tech tools, and we can use trends so our students can really have a meaningful class with no problems. As teachers we need to be informed not only in new pedagogy techniques, but also in technology. Now I´m going to share